Thursday, May 22, 2008

Build Trust with Your Customers

In a recent blog at Think Customers, they list four key ways to build trust with customers. Communication must bet constant between your employees and your customers. It is essential to capitalize on every touch point with customers to build their trust.

  1. Trust converts noise to dialogs. Those leaders or companies who listen to their customers, and turn around an implement what customers want are often the most trusted ones.
  2. Empower the people behind the brand. It’s the people behind the brand that are going to foster this trust. Empower your employees and let them know they’re doing a good job.
  3. High trust equals high innovation and speed. With good employees, they’ll be able to collaborate and work together in order to bring innovation to your company faster.
  4. Remove generational issues, diversity and retention. It is essential to build this trust between generations. Communicate with everyone, and let them know you’re listening.

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