Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Total Customer Experience Leaders Call for Submissions Deadline Extended to 1/27

The Institute for International Research (IIR) presents:
Total Customer Experience Leaders Summit June, 2012 in Boston, MA 

Due to the high volume of submissions, we suggest you submit your proposal early and no later than Friday, January 27, 2012 to Stacy Levyn, Conference Producer at or 646.895.7335.

Total Customer Experience Leaders is an event that showcases trends, insights and best practices for measuring, aligning and communicating your customer experience strategy to ensure business relevance.

3 Full Days of NEW Topics 
Day 1:
Customer Experience Design & Measurement • Experience Engineering • Design Management • Redesigning a Program • Analyzing VoC • Data Deployment and Data Dissemination • Social Media Feedback • New Innovative Methodologies • Internal Customer Index Scoring vs. NPS • Enterprise Feedback Management
Day 2 & 3:
Strategic Thinking & Action Planning • Using VoC to Take Actionable Insights • Alignment • Employee Engagement • Monetizing Your Customer Experience • Recovery Strategy • Linkage • Customer Service High Level General Sessions that Focus On: • The Rising Role of the CCO • Innovation & Creativity in Customer Experience • Operational Perspective • Digital Customer Experience • Leadership • Behavioral Economics

Plus! Idea gathering forums following each session topic.

The Audience:
• Individuals within the company responsible for customer experience, voice of customer, customer research • Individuals with direct experience for the customer experience and/or voice of customer collection, dissemination, interpretation and results • Individuals seeking to enhance their own company's capabilities in these areas (become more customer-centric and drive business results through improved customer experience), and willing to help others advance through sharing of best practices and experiences
Speakers receive FREE admission to the conference as well as any pre-conference activity such as workshops or symposium.

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities:
If you are interested in sponsorship or exhibit opportunities please contact Jon Saxe, Business Development Manager at or 646.895.7467.

Interested in Becoming a Media Partner or Featured Event Blogger? Contact Kacey Anderson, Marketing Manager, at

Call for Presenters: For consideration, please email with the following information by Friday, January 27, 2012:
• Proposed speaker name(s), job title(s), and company name(s)
• Contact information including address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail
• Talk title
• The main theme you plan to address
• Summary of the presentation (3-5 sentences)
• Please indicate what is NEW about the presentation
• What the audience will gain from your presentation (please list 3-5 key “take-aways”)
• Previous conference experience
• Short bio Due to the high volume of responses, we are unable to respond to each submission.

All those selected to participate as speakers will be notified shortly after the deadline. Thank you for your interest in the Total Customer Experience Leaders conference. We look forward to receiving your proposal!

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