Monday, April 6, 2015

How to Win the Customer Experience Battle

Photo: USMC HUMVEE in battle, Wikimedia Commons

"The customer experience is the next competitive battleground." - Jerry Gregoire, former CIO of Dell

The quest for quality customer service and winning customers' loyalty continues to be a major battle for many companies. In "Experiencing the Next Competitive Battleground" by Jena McGregor, Tom Knighton, Executive Vice President, Forum Corp., "expands on what's driving the increasing importance of the customer experience -- and how incremental improvements might not always lead to success."

Want to learn what it takes to win the customer experience battle? Join Brian Byrne, President, Aviador and Associates, as he presents "Classic Patterns of Competitive War Gaming" during the Total CX Leaders Conference June 3-4 in Miami, Fla.

In this session, Brian will:
  • Describe the classic patterns of competition
  • Share case studies across a range of sectors such as Mobility, Food & Beverage and Personal Care
  • Describe how scenario planning and white space mapping are applied as tools of competitive warfare to identify and conquer key profit pools
Total CX Leaders Conference will help you "learn how to listen to your customers, understand their differences and set the foundation to build a road map to create a seamless experience for modern customers."

Join Brian at Total CX Leaders Conference (TCXL) 2015 in Miami. Register today!

Stay connected with TCXL15:
  • Customer Experience Leaders
  • Customer Experience Leaders

Peggy L. Bieniek, ABC is an Accredited Business Communicator specializing in corporate communication best practices. Connect with Peggy on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and on her website at

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